Electric Bikes
Adaptive cycles are bikes, trikes and recumbents that can be modified for specific individual needs. Over the past few years, electric options for adaptive cycles have expanded to accommodate a wide range of needs, and have advanced to allow individuals to cycle longer distances and go into terrains they might not have thought possible otherwise. Innovations across the adaptive cycle market have increased the universal cycling options for the everyday consumer. Whether an individual needs a cycle to improve health or simply as an alternative commuter option, there have never been more adaptive cycle options for consumers.
Bikes (Bicycle) consist of two-wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other.
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Trikes (Tricycle) is a three-wheeled vehicle, providing more stability compared to the bicycle. There are both sit down and standing versions.
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Recumbent bikes and trikes provide the rider a laid-back reclined position, which allows for both comfort and improved aerodynamics. They are available in a wide range of configurations for comfort and ease, including:
Short and long wheelbase
Different sized wheels
Different steering options: overseat, underseat or no-hands
Front wheel and rear wheel drive
Delta and tadpole
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